Congressman Cantor: It's Time To Restore Our Complete And Unwavering Support For Religious Freedom


Date: March 25, 2014
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Eric Cantor (VA-7) today released the following statement on two cases currently before the U.S. Supreme Court:

"Religious freedom is one of the most sacred rights our founders entrusted to our Republic. No person should be forced by the federal government to violate their religious beliefs. Under Obamacare, Hobby Lobby's owners should not be forced to violate their fundamental rights as U.S. citizens. Supporters of this provision have hidden behind false statements and personal attacks to intimidate the defenders of religious liberty. President Obama's policies have systematically weakened the religious protections this nation affords, and put undue stress on charities, hospitals, family-run businesses and religious institutions. It's time to restore our complete and unwavering support for religious freedom and that is why I stand with those arguing for their liberty before the court today. It is my hope that, upon consideration, the Supreme Court rules in favor of religious freedom and our nation's first principles."
